Queensland Premiere.
All We Imagine as Light follows the lives of two roommates living in Mumbai, India. The eldest, a nurse named Prabha, has been estranged from her husband for more than a year, yet believes he will eventually try reconnecting with her. The youngest, a woman named Anu, spends her day frantically searching for a place in the city where she can be intimate with her boyfriend, a muslim.
When a gift from Prabha’s husband appears at her door all the way from Germany, the three travel to a beach town to find some space, in which their desires begin to manifest.
India’s first film to be selected at the Cannes Film Festival in over 30 years, and the first film by a filmmaker of Indian descent to win the Grand Prix, All We Imagine as Light is an event any cinephile wouldn’t want to miss.
Cast: Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha and Chhaya Kadam
We are pleased to present the Short Film, There is So Much I Could Write Poetry About, prior to the feature screening.